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Local Policies, Procedures, and Emergency Management

Policies and Procedures

Discuss the policies and procedures relevant to your role, including:

  • Medication Policy
  • Manual Handling Policy
  • CQC (Care Quality Commission)
  • OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills)
  • NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)

Managing Emergency Situations

Consider your workplace and the individuals you support. How would you manage an emergency situation? Key factors to address include:

  • Privacy and Dignity: Maintaining a person's privacy and dignity is crucial, even in emergency situations.
  • Risk Assessment: Procedures may need to be carried out in various environments, including public places. Assess the risks in each situation to ensure safety and dignity.

Maintaining Privacy and Dignity

To maintain privacy and dignity, consider the following strategies:

  • Use screens or barriers to provide a private space if possible.
  • Communicate clearly and respectfully with the individual to explain what you are doing and why.
  • Ensure that only necessary personnel are present during the procedure.
  • Cover the person appropriately to maintain their dignity.


Adhering to local policies and procedures, managing emergencies effectively, and maintaining privacy and dignity are essential aspects of providing high-quality care. Always assess each situation carefully and act with respect and professionalism.